Friday récompense
Happy Thursday!
Tomorrow, Friday September 20 will be the first of our reward days for speaking French in class. Student who have kept more than 3 batons will be permitted some free time. Students have my permission to bring an electronic device (iPad, MP3, PSP, 3DS, etc.) which they may use during the free time. However, students have been told that they must check with their parent/guardian and obtain permission before bringing their electronic device to school. Additionally, we talked about the responsibility that comes with bringing a valuable tool to school (e.g. the possibility of loss, theft, damage, etc.) and how neither Monsieur T nor the school is responsible for their electronic device.
So, the TL:DR version is students have permission to bring an electronic device to school if they have asked their parents' permission to bring it. They will have some free time during the day to use it provided they have more than 3 batons for speaking French. Monsieur T and the school assume no responsibility for the device. Students who have more than 3 batons but do not bring a device will still have some free time instead.
Tomorrow, Friday September 20 will be the first of our reward days for speaking French in class. Student who have kept more than 3 batons will be permitted some free time. Students have my permission to bring an electronic device (iPad, MP3, PSP, 3DS, etc.) which they may use during the free time. However, students have been told that they must check with their parent/guardian and obtain permission before bringing their electronic device to school. Additionally, we talked about the responsibility that comes with bringing a valuable tool to school (e.g. the possibility of loss, theft, damage, etc.) and how neither Monsieur T nor the school is responsible for their electronic device.
So, the TL:DR version is students have permission to bring an electronic device to school if they have asked their parents' permission to bring it. They will have some free time during the day to use it provided they have more than 3 batons for speaking French. Monsieur T and the school assume no responsibility for the device. Students who have more than 3 batons but do not bring a device will still have some free time instead.
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