Welcome to December!

Good morning on this grey December 2nd morning! Here are a few updates:

1. Science Update:

For our Electricity unit in Science, the Grade 6 students will be participating in a Science fair based on the theme of ‘Mon appareil électroménager.’ They will be asked to design an appliance that incorporates the concepts studied. He or she must create an appliance that will help others in their daily lives that makes a sound, moves, and/or lights up using an electrical circuit and switches. They must be able to explain how their device uses electricity.

While the Grade 6s construct their appliance, Grade 5 students will plan and build a more energy efficient device (e.g. a car, home, appliance, etc.) They must be able to explain how their device will save energy.

Both activities will be a home and school project. Students are invited to discuss and research their ideas at home with their families. All the planning and circuitry will be designed and built in class. In some cases, students may need their parents’ help building the exterior of their appliance.

Some of the ideas and designs generated by the students involve materials from home (e.g. cables and batteries). Many of these items can be scavenged from old toys and other items found around the house. Examples of electrical items that you can acquire can be found at the bottom of this letter.

Please have your child label their big items and put everything into a box or bag to bring to school.

Time will be provided in class to work on their inventions as well as their design posters. It is important that your child bring her or his materials to school every day in order to work on this project.

Merci beaucoup pour votre aide!

Monsieur T

Examples of electrical parts

· Motor(s) (can be found on the wheels of remote control cars)
· Wire (Small gauge (e.g. 18 or 20 GA)
· Batteries (AA and 9V batteries are best)
· LEDs (light emitting diodes, Christmas lights work well for this)
· Switch (es)

2. From School Council:

Happy December everyone:

A couple of updates this week.

New 2 U Boutique - Tuesday, December 3rd

The New 2 U Boutique will take place on Tuesday Dec 3rd in the school gym. There are many, many wonderful items up for sale including movies, books, video games, bikes, stuffed animals, household items like candles, frames, dishes, toy cars, baby items and sports equipment. This sale is a student led initiative to raise money for those affected by the typhoon in the Philippines. Every cent raised will be donated.Parents are welcome to come shopping. The sale starts at 9:30 am and is open until 5:30 pm.

They are also looking for parent volunteers to assist in this student led initiative. If you can spare an hour or two to help them it would be much appreciated. Please contact us at this e-mail.

Every cent raised will be matched dollar for dollar by the Canadian Government.

Movie Night, Thursday, December 5th - Despicable Me 2

School Council will be presenting Movie Night this December 5th and we will be showing "Despicable Me 2" based on the voting that took place. Doors open at 5:30 and the movie starts at 6:00. Pizza, drinks, popcorn and ring pops will be sold while supplies last. All children must be accompanies by the adult.

Come and join us!

School Council

3.  Mental Health Information Night

On December 12 at 7 pm in the gymnasium, the school will be hosting Michael Baine, Lead Consultant for the Child and Youth Mental Health Initiative with the Ottawa Network for Education. He will help parents better understand child and youth mental health, the issues within a school context, local and provincial initiatives currently going on and where one can find resources within the community. Light refreshments and a handout of resources will be provided. More information can be found here.


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