Our Multi-cultural banquet is tomorrow!

That's right, the banquet is here! We are so fortunate to have the opportunity to share our family and cultural traditions with one another. A reminder that although this first part is an exciting meal to share together, students need to photograph the process and have a copy of the recipe for a writing project in the new year!

Students will need to bring a plate and eating utensil which they will wash afterwards. These should be labeled with their name so they do not get lost.

Serving utensils and dishes need to be labeled with the student's name, the meal name, and a copy of the ingredients should be provided too.

Parents are welcome to join us or bring the dishes just prior to the event (around 1:15 pm please)!

Can't wait to see the exciting dishes being prepared! Here is a sneak-peek... :-)

Monsieur T


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