News from School Council

Here we are, the end of January already! We are back in the swing of things and pushing ahead on all fronts. In French we are just wrapping up our Multicultural Banquet presentations and we will be starting our speech presentations on Wednesday.

Here are the latest items from School Council:

Dominos Dough Night - January 21, 2014

An update on Dominos Dough Night.  This fundraiser raised over $150 for the school. Families were able to enjoy pizza and $5.00 was donated for every special order made back to the school.  Thank you!

Milk Program

A reminder that the next milk program session will begin next week Monday, February 3rd and run until Thursday, June 26.  The school administration is taking care of this.

Family and Friends Dance - Thursday, February 13

We have a fun evening lined up for everyone.  Doors will open at 5:30 and the music will run until 7:30.  There will be a bake sale and book sale going on at the same time.  So come out and have some goodies, buy some books and do some dancing to your favorite tunes spun by our special kids dj.  The poster is attached and we could still use some volunteers for this fun event as well as donations of books (bins will be in the school lobby starting next week) and donations of baked goods.  

Thanks and have a great remaining January!

School Council


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