Terry Fox Run, Thursday September 29 at 12 pm

Below is a note from Mme Hart, our Terry Fox Run coordinator:

"Katimavik Elementary School is participating in its 12th annual Terry Fox Run. The run will be taking place on Thursday September 29th @ 12pm.

All money raised through our event will be forwarded to The Terry Fox Foundation to further the cause of cancer research. Our route will be within the school property boundaries. Students will be encouraged to walk/run the course for 30 minutes. Teachers will be on hand to supervise along the way.

With a goal of fundraising $1000 on behalf of Katimavik Elementary School, you can send loonies, toonies, cash or cheque (payable to the Terry Fox Foundation) on the day of our event. Should you wish to donate online, please visit


Feel free to email Mme Hart if you have any questions (Chantale.Hart@ocdsb.ca)

"I want to try the impossible to show that it can be done." – Terry Fox"


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