Welcome Back to the 2016-2017 School Year!
Hello Parents! Welcome to EF56A! Most of you know me as either your child's Physical Education & Health teacher from last year or your child was a member of our homeroom class. In any event, welcome to a new school year at Katimavik ES!
Meet the Teacher:
I hope you can come and meet face-to-face on our Meet the Teacher night, next Tuesday, September 13, 2016 from 4:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Class Organization:
Our class is a grade 5/6 split with 7 grade 5 students and 19 grade 6 students. We will be combining our activities as often as possible to ensure students develop into a cohesive group. Students will also study their grade-appropriate material on a regular basis.
Our English teacher is Mr. Ferguson and mathematics is taught by Mrs. Wilson. Students receive French instruction for French Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, The Arts (Visual Arts, Drama, Dance, and Music) as well as Health, and Physical Education.
In our French classes, we will frequently use Google Classroom. This tool is great because students can access content while at home should they want to talk about what they are learning in class. Log-in codes will be distributed this week.
This year, our class will be using lockers as an organizational tool. Students are welcome to lock their lockers using a combination lock. I will be collecting the combinations for emergency use. Codes will be stored in the Main Office.
Classroom Expectations:
The following rules are in effect in our classroom at all times.
1. Bring all necessary materials to class.
2. Listen to and follow directions.
3. Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat.
4. Keep hands and feet to yourself.
5. Respect your classmates, your teacher, and yourself.
In the event that a student chooses to disregard a class rule, the following consequences are in place:
Consequence 1:
The student receives a warning regarding the infraction.
Consequence 2:
The student goes to the time-out location for a period of time.
Consequence 3:
Parents sent a letter regarding the behaviour and spends the following day at the time out location.
Please note that students involved in 'time-out' continue to participate in regular activities while in the time-out location.
In order to mark work fairly and consistently, all class work must be completed in class.
Students are expected to read regularly at home in both English and French. Other work will be assigned on an as-needed basis. You are encouraged to help your child when needed, but please allow him or her to assume responsibility for their homework.
Voluntary Fees:
We are asking families to donate a voluntary student fee of $20 per student with a family maximum of $40. We are requesting the voluntary fee during the first week of school. Please make cheques out to Katimavik Elementary School. Your support is appreciated.
This money will be used to enhance the Social Studies curriculum with a focus on First Nations, Metis, Inuit (FNMI) Education, to enhance the Drama and music curriculum, and to support the use of Technology in the classroom.
Last year, monies collected paid for the Scientists in the Schools workshop and the Luv 2 Groove Hiphop Dance Workshops.
School Communication:
The old school blog has been discontinued. Our new school website is katimavikes.ocdsb.ca.
Bullying is disruptive to the learning environment and detrimental to a students’ well-being and development. Please let me know of any incidences of bullying so that I can investigate and deal with it as soon as possible.
Extra Help:
If your child is having difficulty, please discuss the matter and encourage her/him to come and see me.
Communication between School and Home:
I will be continuing to update our class blog: lemondedemonsieurt.blogspot.ca. Please take a few moments each month to review the goings-on from the classroom.
If you ever have questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact me by email (best method). From there, we can together determine the best steps forward (for example, an after school meeting or telephone call, should circumstances warrant).
Looking forward to working with you this year!
Monsieur T.
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