Welcome back! Bon retour!

Despite the cold weather which seems unending, I hope everyone had a restful March Break! We are now into our last block of time together until the end of June. Some of our upcoming events:

1.  Science Fair: Monday, March 24: Our annual science fair is taking place next Monday between 9 and 11:30 am. Grade 5s and 6s are participating. Please feel free to drop in and see what we achieved in energy conservation and electricity.

2.  Trip to LDH (Grade 6s ONLY), Monday, April 7: Hard to believe but our grade 6s will be moving on very soon from FMPS to our high school, Longfields Davidson Heights Secondary School, A.K.A LDH. The grade 6s will be visiting LDH on Monday, April 7 to have a tour of the school and speak with some of the students. There will be a family information night later in April (Thursday, April 24 at 7 pm).

A Student Registration Package will be coming home today. Please fill it out and return it as soon as possible. If you are not planning on attending LDH, could you please send a note or email indicating where you are planning on sending your child. This helps for planning purposes. Thank you!

News from School Council:

School Council Meeting - Our next school council meeting will take place tomorrowevening Wednesday, March 19th at 6:45 in the FMPS School library. Please come and join us if you can to find out what is happening at the school. Minutes from the last meeting and the agenda for the meeting are attached.

School Council Website - We now have our own school council website that you can access directly from the Farley Mowat Public School Website or by using the following address: http://fmpsschoolcouncil.wordpress.com/. Here you will find information that we are trying to pass on to our school community. Under the tab Meetings, you will see the minutes of all of the past meetings that we have had this year.

Mayfair Website - We now also have a Mayfair website for all things "Mayfair". To reach this website you can use the following address: http://fmpsmayfairweb.wordpress.com/. You can also access this from the Farley Mowat Public School website.

Pizza - 2nd term - The second term of pizza will start next week.

Mazzola - School Council has teamed up with a board approved caterer to provide meals on Mondays. Information should be going home soon.

As always, if you have any suggestions regarding information to put up on our website or if you have any questions or would like to volunteer, please send us an email.


School Council
C'est tout! That's all for now!


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