Jump Rope 4 Heart Day, Friday!
Whoa... Is it really the end of May already? I need to apologize (again!) for falling off my weekly updates to this site in order to keep parents up to date! I also need your understanding for the short notice for our annual Jump Rope 4 Heart as it is this Friday (May 26!) Here are the details from the organizers: This school wide event will be on Friday May 26th 1:40-3:00pm (rain date is June 1st, same time) The fundraising will mostly be done ON THE DAY of the event. Students can bring cash donations and/or cheques (Heart and Stroke Foundation). Should families wish to fundraise online, the school page is ready to go www.jumpropeforheart.ca , click 'Donate' then click 'Donate To A School', type 'Katimavik' and voilà! This year’s focus is awareness of Heart and Stroke Foundation and diseases linked to the heart. During the event, there will lemonade for sale ($0.50/cup) The lemonade is being provided by School Council and all proceeds will be donate...